Holiday survival…

It’s that time of year, Halloween has passed and maybe you’re still snacking on leftover candy. Turkey day is on the horizon, and you’ve already started your Christmas shopping. It’s also the time of year a lot of us pack on a couple extra pounds.
Well not this year. The first and most important thing to keep in mind this time of year, these holidays are just ONE day. There is absolutely no reason you should still be eating that Halloween candy. If you want to indulge in a few pieces the day of have at it, but letting it carry on for weeks is where we get into trouble.
Then comes thanksgiving and I hope all of you are going to enjoy as big a plate of delicious home cooked turkey as I am, dessert Included. I’ve been thinking about my Aunts stuffing for weeks. Maybe you even take a little leftover turkey home, easy to fit that into your day without going overboard. Pick your battles, go for your favorite home made dessert over filling up on cheese and crackers you can get anytime! If you’re actively trying to loose weight make sure to get a good workout in that morning, or even a long walk!
December is definitely the hardest month of all, there seem to be more obligations each weekend and stress is high (no good for the waistline either.) Know your schedule well and plan ahead as much as possible. Social obligations seem to creep up every weekend so do your best to work your meal choices and drinks around that. Enjoy yourself when the time calls for it but get back on track the next day. Things get dicey when you let one night out turn into three days of eating poorly.
The point is 7 days over the course of 3 months is nothing. Consistency will always win. This is a great time of year to maintain your weight if you’re interested in enjoying yourself with less restrictions. Weight loss is possible during these three months just know that it will come with it’s share of sacrifices.
Whatever you choose don’t set yourself back by saying F@ck it and over do it for three months straight because...JANUARY. There is a space between YOLO and bringing your kitchen scale to Christmas dinner.