“I eat pretty good”

“I eat pretty good during the week.” I hear this a lot, and my first thought is ok well what is pretty good? Everyone’s definition seems to be a bit different.

But in general we all tend to eat in a more structured way Monday through Friday.

So when someone comes to me saying they eat pretty low calorie but they still don’t see results one thing we need to take a good look at is their weekend habits. If you are working towards weight loss consistency over a full week is key.

Let’s use myself as an example.

Monday-Friday I consume 1800 calories per day. ???
Saturday: ????? 3500 calories
Sunday: ?????? 3800 calories 
This puts my average weekly calories at almost 2300. This would be closer to maintenance for me then a calorie deficit. Therefore, no body fat loss! You must be in a calorie deficit to lose body fat.

Perfection is not necessary but consistency is absolutely everything. If you are over doing it every single weekend your progress will stall! Ditch that cheat weekend binge mentality. If you need to cheat on your diet every week it’s likely too restrictive.