
Hi ladies! My name is Jaclyn and I am the founder of Move the Needle and your personal trainer and nutrition coach.  I live on the South Shore of Massachusetts with my husband, our two boys, and our golden retrievers Pippa and Lili. I love strength training, hiking, cycling, and yoga. I love a good cheeseburger, the beach, iced coffee, and simply being outdoors. You can find me slinging barbells in my garage gym, walking the many trails of the South Shore with my dogs, or riding my bike with my kids.

I started Move The Needle to help women over 35 simplify the ever changing world of fitness and nutrition. There is so much information out there, a good deal of it bad and misleading! My goal is to educate you and hopefully show you that this whole thing is not as complicated as main stream media diet culture would have you believe.

My own journey with fitness and weight loss lead me right here, helping women ditch the fads and create a life and body they love.

I struggled for years just like you, and I want you to know it is possible to break free from the vicious cycle of diet, workout for punishment, start over again Monday that so many of you may still be in today.

I want every woman to feel confident in her own skin and know that she deserves to live a healthy life without all the back and forth of low calorie diets, fear based bootcamps, and excessive cardio. I believe it doesn’t have to be this way, but diet culture has made it this way to keep you in the cycle of buying the books, powders, meal plans etc.

Women should be strong, well fueled, and in control of their health and fitness.

My core values:

  • Consistency over perfection
  • What gets measured gets managed
  • Sustainable over quick

I help women over 35 end the cycle of the fad diets and excessive cardio so they can finally achieve and keep the fat loss goals  and muscle building goals they are looking for.

I will teach you how to stop being a dieter, and how to start listening to your body, so you can feel better and look better.

Good Nutrition and Fitness is hard to execute alone, but truly simple in nature.


Certified Personal trainer

Certified Nutrition coach

National academy of sports medicine Certified Personal Trainer

Precision Nutrition L1

Nutritional coaching institute L2

Certified Physical Preparation Specialist (CPPS) Certified