7 Habits of my most successful clients

  1. They weigh in daily: this all comes down to being accountable and having the sound mind to KNOW that the scale is just data. Being able to record the data daily allows you to take a weekly average which is more accurate. Weighing in daily allows you to see how certain foods or training may or may not be working for you. On the most basic level it keeps you accountable. Have you ever avoided the scale because you over did it or just didn’t want to see the number? Face the music and take action. *while I feel, this is really important to track daily if you have a crappy relationship with the scale the may not be the best idea for you right now.
  2. They Keep their food choices simple: The first thing so many people want when they start a new plan is fancy recipes and meal plans. I am here to assure you this is the last thing you need. While I do understand that you would want to switch it up every now and then, getting bogged down trying to track and log a complicated recipe is not a good idea. Keeping your meals extremely basic (Protein/carb/veggie/fat) is the key to success. It’s worked for body builders for decades! 
  3. They understand this is a journey: This is a hard one for most. We live in a society of NOW, YESTERDAY, FASTER. This mentality puts a lot of pressure on me as a coach! While I am here to help, you reach your goals, I will never sacrifice your health to do so. The clients that I have had the most success with understand the results they want will not come over night. They accept the journey and trust the process. Slow and sustainable is not sexy, but understating that this is the RIGHT way which will help you KEEP your results is a game changer for many.

4. They check in every single week without fail: This is an easy one but if I am chasing you for check in’s you are likely not on track! This is not to say that every check in is good news, but they check in regardless. On the same note, they fill their tracker out every day. Making this a part of your morning or evening routine speaks to your accountability. You’ve invested the money in hiring a coach, why would you waste it and blow off your tracker or check in?

5.They are done with CHEAT DAYS: You all know this by now, I hate cheat days. What is that? Cheating on what? Food is food. You are either going to eat for your goals or you aren’t. Not every single day is perfect but understanding that indulgent food is NOT a reward for a week well spent is imperative for long term success. They also make these foods fit 90% of the time, want the Pizza? Well the rest of your day should balance that out. If you go over, you get on track the next meal, not the following Monday.

6. They don’t compare themselves to anyone else: Comparison is the thief of joy! We are all different and we all have our own shit. Stay in your lane and you’ll be far better off. Not the easiest thing to do in this Instagram crazy world. But they always check themselves and keep on their path.

7.They are FLEXIBLE: This does not mean donuts for breakfast everyday and salad for lunch. The flexible eating lifestyle presented via the gram is so inaccurate! But being flexible is the only way to adhere to a program for an extended period of time. It also the best way to navigate our current societal norms and keep your results. I would always rather see someone 80% perfect for a year, or FOREVER, over 100% perfect for just six weeks. Then you fall off the proverbial wagon and return to your regular eating habits.