Why do we deload?

Friday Blog


Deload Weeks: A Guide to Rest Days, Recovery and Strength Training for Women


Deload weeks are periods of time devoted to rest and recovery between training blocks. During a deload week, it is important to reduce the intensity and volume of your workouts so that your body can recover from the previous weeks’ intense exercise. This is especially true for female athletes, who have different physiological needs than their male counterparts. In this article, we will discuss the importance of deload weeks in strength training for women and provide some tips on how to make the most out of them.


Why Are Deload Weeks Important?


Deload weeks are an essential part of any strength training program. When done correctly, they help you recover from the previous weeks’ workouts while also giving you a break from the intense physical activity. The idea behind a deload week is simple: lower your intensity and volume so that your body can rest while still getting enough exercise to maintain your current level of fitness. This will help you build strength in a sustainable way without risking injury or burnout. Recovery is a massive part of building strength and muscle. 


For female athletes (btw if you work out on purpose you are an athlete!) deload weeks become even more important due to their unique physiology. Women's bodies respond differently than men's bodies when it comes to exercise and recovery, which means that taking regular breaks from intense physical activity is even more critical for women than it is for men. A well-planned deload week can be beneficial for female athletes by allowing them to rest and recover while still maintaining their current fitness levels as effectively as possible. I encourage all my clients to track their cycle if they have one, so they better understand the days their body may well be asking for less volume and intensity due to hormonal fluctuations (and maybe even more calories!)


How To Make The Most Out Of Your Deload Week


Making the most out of your deload week starts with understanding what kind of exercises will be most beneficial during this period of recovery. While it may seem counterintuitive, light exercise such as walking or yoga can actually help you recover faster by promoting blood flow throughout the body and helping muscles relax after an intense workout session. Additionally, taking some time off from the gym allows you to focus on other aspects of self-care such as hydration, nutrition, non exercise activity and sleep—all things that are essential for proper recovery. Finally, don't forget about mental recovery! Taking a break from strenuous physical activity gives you an opportunity to clear your head and focus on other aspects of life which may be overlooked during intense training sessions such as relationships or hobbies outside of fitness.


Deload weeks will make you stronger in the long run. If you have never used one, consider making it a regular part of your programming. Most people would benefit after 4-6 consecutive weeks depending on your experience. As more experienced trainees can push harder in their training because they are not still in the process of learning their current limits and exercise form. The more experienced you are, the harder you push, the more frequent you may need to deload. I prefer every 4 weeks, and try to line this up at the end of my luteal phase. While I prefer to step back from weight training and focus on walking and yoga, you may find you prefer to stay in the gym but cut your volume and intensity back for the week.


If you are training regularly, give this a shot. Are you already deloading? Does the concept scare you?