Smart programming and junk volume with strength work

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In the never ending quest for fitness, weight loss, and health (especially for busy women over 30 juggling careers and family) time is a precious commodity. The idea that more is always better has led to a common misconception in the fitness world – the myth of "junk volume." In this blog post, we'll explore the evidence-backed reasons why quality trumps quantity in your workout routine, offering a smarter approach for busy individuals seeking efficiency and results.

The Pitfall of Excessive Movements:

It's a familiar scenario: the belief that incorporating a multitude of squat or lunge variations into your leg day will yield BETTER OR MORE results. However, research-backed evidence suggests otherwise. Beyond a certain point, adding more movements may not contribute to progress but instead lead to what is known as "junk volume." Junk volume refers to unnecessary repetitions or movements that lack purpose or effectiveness.

Efficiency Over Excess:

For busy women over 30 managing multifaceted lives, efficiency is paramount. The key is not to add more movements but rather to refine your approach to form, technique, and weight choices for the exercises you've selected. Smart programming emphasizes the quality of movements over sheer quantity, allowing you to achieve optimal results with the minimum effective dose.

Understanding Smart Programming:

Smart programming doesn't mean abandoning variety altogether but rather optimizing the number of movements in a session. It recognizes that mindlessly piling on movements can lead to compromised form, reduced lifting capacity, and increased risk of injury, all of which are counterproductive to long-term fitness goals. Instead, the focus shifts to performing 4-5 movements exceptionally well.

Quality Trumps Quantity:

The misconception that more movements equate to a better workout is dispelled when we understand that energy depletion during a session leads to compromised performance. In reality, the latter movements in a lengthy workout often receive less attention and effort. The solution lies in prioritizing fewer movements and executing them with precision, intensity, and dedication.

The Role of Intensity and Focus:

If you find yourself thinking that you need more than 5 movements in a session, it's crucial to reassess your approach. Are you working hard enough during your working sets? Is your lift selection well-organized and purposeful? These questions prompt a shift from the mindset of quantity to one of quality. It's about maximizing the effectiveness of each movement rather than overloading your session with unnecessary exercises.

The myth of "junk volume" underscores the importance of efficient, evidence-backed programming. For busy women over 30, focusing on 4-5 movements executed with precision and dedication yields superior results compared to mindlessly incorporating a multitude of exercises. It's time to embrace the power of efficiency in your workout routine, debunk the myth of more is better, and pave the way for sustainable, results-driven fitness!!

At the end of the day, simple done well consistently is what actually gets you muscle gain and fat loss results.