Don’t make this HUGE fat loss mistake

I had a conversation with a prospective client last week who told me she didn’t want to lift weights yet. She was just going to focus on cardio and nutrition for now until she is able to get smaller.

THEN she will get into lifting.

This is a massive mistake for so many reasons!

If you don’t resistance train while you are dieting you will lose muscle along with body fat. You may even lose MORE muscle then body fat if calories are very low and cardio is high. Low calories and high cardio sends a message to your body to be more efficient, which is not helpful when it comes to burning more calories. That signal also leads to muscle loss, as muscle burns more calories just at rest, this active tissue is hard to keep on your body when there is not enough fuel and too much activity. People find this move more eat less method works at first, but they eventually get stuck and try to add more cardio or cut more calories. It’s just not sustainable long term.

Losing muscle will in essence slow your metabolism, leave you less “storage” for carbs, and obviously make you weaker and less toned. Long term it creates a scenario where weight gain feels easier and easier.

You are also missing out on a huge opportunity that all newbies have called recomp. If you are newly resistance training and dialed in with your nutrition, your body will lose fat and gain muscle. Body recomposition means the shape of your body is visibly leaner, more toned, smaller! Not only did you NOT lose muscle, you added some, and in the process helped to boost your metabolism instead of slowing it. Win win.

If you have goals to lose weight, please give muscle retention and muscle building the attention it deserves. For many of you it is the missing piece to keeping the weight off for good, because it plays such a big role in keeping your metabolism strong.Never mind what it does for your strength, health, and longevity. I truly believe the future of health will be less about losing fat, and more about adding muscle!

If you have weight loss and that all just really overwhelmed you, try this:

  • Walk daily, no step goals just tell yourself you will walk for 30 minutes MINIMUM, even if it is 3 separate 10 minute walks spread through the day, no matter the weather.
  • Resistance train at least 3x per week, you can do more like 4 but if you are really new even 2 days per week is a great place to be!
  • You can do 1-2 cardio sessions, one being a longer steady state and one being shorter and high intensity.  But I would rather you start with the walks and strength work first if this is all too much at once!
  • Track your nutrition! Do not guess here, truly be able to quantify your intake because nutrition will be THE driver in weight loss, WAY MORE then cardio multiple times per week! With this keep your protein and fiber high so you can be sure to feel full and satisfied when your calories are lower. Plus the protein plays a large role in muscle retention! If you still have not grabbed my freebie “A busy mom’s guide to eating more protein.” You can snag it here. 