Have you been losing and gaining the same ten pounds most of your adult life?

the scale -2

If you're ready to stop losing and gaining the same 10 pounds and ready to start building a strong, empowered version of you then keep reading!

Hey there lady I see you,

I know this cycle has created thoughts around food and diets that are all consuming, it can rule your mind and impact your mood daily, making you feel like you will never get off this rollercoaster.

You have been trying to keep off the same 10-15 pounds for as long as you can remember. You lose it, and eventually it comes back, maybe even with a few extra pounds.

The same methods that used to work for weight loss, cardio and low calories, don’t work anymore. It’s confusing and now you are wondering if it’s hormones? Maybe this is just a part of the aging process!

Nope, screw that. I promise you can age gracefully and stay strong and healthy for years to come!

If the weight keeps coming back and feels harder and harder to lose, it is because you are losing muscle every time you put yourself through another crash diet paired with lots of cardio or high intensity fitness classes. This low calorie cardio routine signals to the body GET EFFICIENT! Which means pairing down your most active tissue, muscle. So the scale goes down but it's not just body fat!

When you pair this with the fact that muscle loss becomes MUCH easier after the age of 35 and we are more sedentary and stressed out because of kids and career, it is not hard to see how the weight creeps up and feels more difficult to lose.

Plus most low calorie high cardio bouts are almost always followed by, "screw it eat whatever now!" due to burn out and the body feeling depleted, meaning eventually you get burnt out and go back to eating high calories, but remember the body is now more efficient with calories, sooooo not a good combo as it will hang onto to extra calories as fat.

Losing muscle is going to slow your metabolism and make it harder for you to navigate the standard American way of eating. Muscle is active tissue which helps to burn calories at REST, so when you lose it, you’ve essentially slowed your metabolism.

More importantly, muscle makes you more insulin sensitive. What's that mean? It's like upgrading your body's “Carb parking lot.” When you add muscle through lifting, you become more insulin sensitive, meaning your body can efficiently use carbs for energy and store them where they belong—instead of hanging around as extra weight.

Lose muscle and you are now LESS insulin sensitive. You see now it is several factors causing the weight regain/slow creep, and all roads come back to muscle loss.

All this to say, you have been going about this the wrong way.

Ladies over 35, when we diet we have to do this from a place of protecting our muscle FIRST. It is vital for long term fat loss, health, bone density, strength, the list goes on and on.

If you want to get off this rollercoaster once and for all, apply for my new program, Move the Needle Methods: The muscle FIRST approach to fat loss.

Save your seat and grab early bird pricing while you still can.

Let's do it right, and perfect it forever! We kick off 2/26 and seats are limited!!