Ladies over 35, you MUST strength train


I believe women over 35 MUST strength train. Like, mandatory at least 2 times per week. I am not being dramatic I swear! Stay with me…

Our hormones change when we enter our 30’s and muscle loss becomes easier every single year.

Strength training can help us avoid muscle loss, by sending the signal to our body TO KEEP MUSCLE! We never want to lose our muscle, we should be fighting to add it. Trust me this isn't just about looks, muscle is a really powerful tool for our health and longevity.

I think we all know the benefit of getting more toned by now. Strength training will help to sculpt and define muscles, leading to a more toned and athletic physique, AKA Improved Body Composition, less fat more muscle. Who doesn’t want that? But really it is just the cherry on top!

It will greatly improve your health as well, here’s how:

  • Building muscle mass through strength training can boost metabolism, leading to easier weight management and reduced risk of metabolic conditions like diabetes. LOSING muscle will SLOW your metabolism.
  • With more muscle your body is better equipped to handle carbs and store them in the muscle as fuel! Your muscle is literally a “sink” for glucose. This is key in today’s society! 
  • Strength training helps strengthen bones, reducing the risk of osteoporosis and fractures, especially important for women as they age. It will improve your bone density like nothing else!
  • Strengthening the muscles around joints improves stability and reduces the risk of injury. If you want to avoid joint pain, add muscle around the joints!
  • Regular strength training can lower blood pressure and improve cardiovascular health, reducing the risk of heart disease and stroke. (in as little as TWO sessions per week!!)
  • Strength training releases endorphins, improving mood, reducing stress, anxiety, and depression, and promoting overall mental well-being. Plus you feel like a badass when you lift heavy things 🙂

I know for some of you it is difficult to get started. There is a good deal of info out there and it can feel really confusing and overwhelming.

That is why I created the beginners guide to strength training, a video series where I am going to help you get BETTER at the core movement patterns we use in strength training and how to progress with them. This totally free resource will be available starting on March 25th, and the first 10 women who sign up will be doing this challenge INSIDE my app with me and my community! You can do this anytime as the videos are pre-recorded, you don’t need equipment, but having some bands or light dumbbells may help!

Strength training is for EVERYONE!