Strength training is for everyone

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Story time 

The first real experience I had with strength training was back in 2012, and I was petrified.

Prior to this I had been doing bootcamp classes where we would use a lightweight occasionally, but nothing like what I was about to walk into.

A friend had talked me into trying Cross fit and I agreed to give it a shot. We agreed upon a class time to meet the owner who would set us up with a beginner program.

I got to our first class early, anxious as ever the whole drive there. I was there before my friend and frantically called her saying I could not go in without her!

I’d like to tell you that we walked in and everything was great, I was a natural, and all my anxiety was put at ease!

The reality is it took time to build confidence with strength training.

I wasn’t a natural.

I remained intimated for months.

But eventually things started to shift in the other direction. All this to say, we all started at the starting line.

We all put our foot in the door nervous as hell at some point, and never looked back. Just because it's unfamiliar and intimidating doesn't mean it isn't for you.

Strength training is for everyone.

This is exactly what I will be teaching in my new coaching course, Move the Needle Methods.

The basics of strength training, and a strength program that fits your current needs and experience level!

Whether you are at home with bands and a dumbbell or in a full gym, we will be laying the foundation for a relationship with fitness that will last for years to come.

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