Be sure to read to the end for this ridiculous transformation!
By age 35 most women have tried at least 6 fad diets, sometimes more. You've been through it all by now. Just sitting here I can rattle off a few that worked for me in terms of weight loss, but never in terms of long term fat loss. Paleo, South beach, and Atkins. (insert eye roll)
Being a frequent fad dieter also makes you more likely to struggle with consistency when it comes to fitness. They are so closely tied for most of us! We only associate exercise with weight loss.
You could always be jumping around to different style fitness classes, or programs but never creating long term consistency with fitness. And if you have, it can often be unhealthy or out of balance, being used to manage stress, when exercise itself is indeed a stressor. Either way the result is burn out.
You are constantly thinking about “what worked before” but when you go back to that it never works the same way twice. It can make you feel like you are the problem. But you aren’t the problem.
- You have just been sold nothing but nonsense your whole adult life when it comes to nutrition and fitness, some of it blatant lies, coined as marketing.
- You compared yourself to impossible standards along the way, never recognizing yourself as an individual, just a failure for not meeting those standards.
- You ignore the changes that come after 35. Kids, careers, aging parents, the list goes on. All of which drain the resources you have to take care of yourself right now.
If it feels harder and harder to lose weight as you age, you are not crazy.
It feels that way because each diet attempt has “taught” your body how to defend itself against future diet attempts and made it easier to regain the weight.
In truth, it’s not age related metabolism “slowing” that is at fault.
It is more than likely due to so many low calorie diets, paired with tons of cardio which both signal to the body, ditch muscle! All of this will encourage the metabolism to get efficient aka “slow.” Added life stress can also compound this.
I know you thought you were doing the right thing all this time. But there is good news.
- You can take control now.
- You can stop restricting, and start nourishing.
- You can care for your body instead of fighting it all the time.
- You can shift your mindset.
It won't be easy, but it is SO worth it.
I have ONE 1:1 spot that unexpectedly opened up. If you’d like to see if my coaching is a good fit for you, please reach out via email or social Dm today I hadn't planned on taking anymore 1:1 clients in 2024, so if you're reading this and thinking damn that is me, this is your sign to reach out. In fact my 16 week 1:1 VIP (my signature one on one coaching program) is retiring, so here’s your last chance to work with me one on one. I have something new launching at the end of February 2024!
I wanted to share the absolutely RIDICULOUS transformation of one of my Fall 16 week VIP ladies. I will be the first to say her results are not typical, but she was not typical, she came to work and I soooo enjoyed our time together. There’s so much magic to be had when you just buckle down and do the work. I gave her the tools, the space, the accountability and she truly went to work.
I believe in context with before and after pictures, so let's talk a bit about where she started. She will be 54 next month, she has a full time stressful job, kids, and a mother whose health is on the decline (she has been a HUGE part of carding for her) so ya STRESS and time were a concern of mine.
She did track protein and total calories, but we focused more on weekly averages than daily perfection with macro numbers. She also shifted her random workouts that favored cardio and bodyweight movements to a progressed strength program that she did 3 days per week. Outside of that she walked, mobilized, and did the occasional trigger session or HIIT workout. But the focus was on strength work. She had lifted in the past so I had a feeling she would recomp (lose fat, add muscle) and she sure did, her pictures exceeded my expectations each week.
In 4 months she lost 24 pounds, 5 inches from her waist, and the pictures speak for themselves! She was ready to work, are you?