Ever felt frustrated with slow progress when it comes to weight loss or seeing more muscle?
When you commit to doing things the right way when it comes to weight loss, it will feel “slow” in terms of progress. Especially if you are used to losing weight by means of fads and trends, or crash diets that promise quick weight loss. (but forget to tell you about the quick weight REGAIN!)
If you feel frustrated with your progress, I bet you are more than likely focusing on a single metric to measure your progress, the scale, and while the scale is a powerful tool, it should never be the only thing we look at when working towards weight loss.
If we focus on one single metric like the scale, our mindset gets in the way of us making any real progress because we have this “amazon prime” mentality when it comes to losing weight.
We want results yesterday.
“Why isn’t the scale doing what I THINK IT should be doing?!?”
And if we aren’t seeing results, well it’s on to the next diet or fitness trend.
THAT is your main mindset block, and man is it a vicious cycle to live in.
What can you do to break this mindset block? Slow down and do not give yourself a timetable to lose a certain number of pounds!
If you are frustrated with the speed of your progress, take a step back.
Is anything you can do from a habit standpoint to accelerate results?
How is your nutrition on the weekends?
How is your sleep?
Are you bringing enough intensity to your workouts?
Can you improve on your food quality or protein targets?
You have to stay self aware and patient.
People quit when they are three feet from gold all the time!
With coaching, I am there to remind you to KEEP GOING.
Just like my client who was stuck at the same body weight after 4 weeks of dieting!
She kept freaking going because she had my guidance and guess what, her body dropped 4 pounds in two weeks.
Join me and the six women who took action and signed up for Move The Needle Methods: The Muscle first approach to fat loss.
This 16 week coaching course will take you from confused and frustrated about fat loss to clear, confident, and moving steadily towards YOUR goals!