IMAGINE IT! After years of struggling, you finally see the scale now for what it is…data.
This is easily one of the top 3 fat loss mistakes I see, using scale weight as the single measure of your success.
When you fail to look at all measures of progress it will create a space where if that one metric doesn’t move, you feel like “Well if it isn't working then why bother.”
And so you quit. You quit long before any progress can really show, and the vicious cycle continues!
- You were able to use the scale in a way that is free of shame or guilt, without pressure or expectations?
- What if you could collect that number without letting it ruin your day?
- What if you understood the importance of FAT LOSS, not just weight loss on the scale?
That is exactly what I am going to teach you in my all new coaching course, Move The Needle Methods.
For us ladies, there is a heavy emotional attachment to that number between our toes, and correcting that is really important. Because the scale can be valuable data! But it should never be the only piece of data you are using to measure progress.
It may shock you that my advice is NOT, just throw your scale out! I see that advice a lot and I think it's terrible. This is something we have to over come, not avoid!
Rather, I want you to use it more frequently, even daily. Yes daily, so you can take a weekly average, which is far more helpful for determining if weight loss is happening, but also so you can begin to devalue the action itself of stepping on the scale. It becomes about data collection, uneventful!
Many women over 35 are putting all this pressure on one weekly or monthly weigh in. The event is prefaced with anxiety and excitement, and there is a lot of pressure for it to say what YOU THINK it should say, and if it doesn't your day is ruined and you have failed.
But that is crazy because a woman’s body weight fluctuates daily! It goes up and down based on water, digestion, sleep, workouts, hormones etc... So how can one weigh in once a week mean anything at all??!?!
It CAN'T! And yet you are allowing that to determine your weight loss journey progress.
To change this we have to look at several measures of progress for FAT LOSS, not just weight loss. Like a waist measurement, pictures, strength gains, and a weekly body weight average.
Focusing too heavily on this metric is just one of the things tripping you up on your journey to lose weight for good. We are going to work on that in my all new course...